Looking for Teen Therapy in Glastonbury, CT?
What happened to this adorable little child you gave birth to? The one who used to jump in your lap and lavish you with snuggles and kisses. Now, there is this person who barely talks to you without sneering. Whose phone doesn’t leave her hand for more than 30 seconds at a time. Then there are all of those things you always knew for a fact you weren’t going to have to worry about: alcohol, pot, nicotine…not my kid! Gulp!
Parenting a teen is stressful. You question if you are effective at all. You’ve tried different consequences and discussions, but nothing seems to be working.
You think parenting a teen is hard? How would you like to be one? Teenagers struggle with all kind of things: their growing and changing bodies, mood swings, social anxiety, experimentation with substances, social media information coming at them 24/7; it’s no surprise teen depression and anxiety rates are higher than ever.
The pressure of thinking about and applying to college is yet another stressor, on top of academic stress, athletic stress, and a body that demands sleep…but so rarely get it! (As my own daughter once said, “Mom, teenagers don’t go to sleep before midnight.” Oh really!?)
Let me help you bridge the gap between you and your teen. As hard as this seems, you are a good parent, and he/she is a good kid. Reach out now, and we can start working towards a better relationship. 860-268-6985